So Tyson had his tonsils removed 2 weeks ago! He was such a trooper. The biopsy came back negative!!! This pic was taken before we went to Vegas. He had to have his blood drawn. He sat in my lap and the
nurse told him not to move, and though he
immediately began to cry he didn't move. He was so cute. After he had been stuck and his blood was being drawn I said very calmly, "It doesn't really hurt still...does it? It's not that bad huh?" And he paused from his crying, realizing it didn't really hurt and replied as brave as he could "It's not that bad" and continued crying. I would have pics of him at the
hospital on surgery day but no one could find my camera... While in Vegas it got put in Bree's bag by accident and went with her to Maryland. At least we found it ;)

The sign says HAPPY BIRTHDAY. We picked Bree up at the airport on her birthday and drove straight to Vegas for the Wedding!

This is us at the Mandalay Bay shark exhibit. We were at the sting ray touch pool and as you can see from the pic,
Taytum just wanted IN!! Yes this is the ONLY pic I have because we used Bree's camera the entire time and she STILL hasn't sent me any pics...

Friday night @ Fremont' s Homecoming parade!!

I can't get her to look at the camera. I like this pic because it shows her wearing 2 bracelets. I kept trying to take the blue one off because it didn't match and she would throw a fit. And of course I loved it. I know...I won't love it when she's 16.

Wahwa is #15, getting ready to throw some candy our way!

They seriously LOVE each other. She was trying to put her arm around his neck to love him but she was too into the passing parade to really get a hold of him!

A happy boy with a bag of candy!
This is actually our fave parade of the year. It's short and sweet so the kids don't get antsy, they throw tons of candy and we get to yell and clap for uncle Wahwa (Austin)!!
If Bree will ever send me a CD with pics of Vegas I will post them with pics of the reception!!